GameCult Talks event #6: Games, philosophy, and utopias

The sixth GameCult Talks event focuses broadly on theme of games, philosophy and utopia. The purpose is to discuss how games contribute to imagining a better world. The event will be organised on Tuesday 16 May at 12:00–16:00 EEST.

GameCult Talks is an event series aiming to create and strengthen dialogue between researchers and other societal actors on current game cultural topics in our culture and society. The events are organised by the Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies with various partners. They bring together game studies researchers, industry experts, cultural institutions, community representatives, activists, and policy makers to develop and highlight new initiatives into building sustainable game culture for our future.

The event can be watched in YouTube:


12- 12.15 Raine Koskimaa: Opening remarks

Part 1 (In Finnish)
12.15 -12.40 Jonne Arjoranta: “Kaikki utopiassa on pelaamista”
12.40-13.05 Elise Kraatila: “Voisiko näinkin olla? Spekulatiivisen fiktion rakentava ja utooppinen todellisuussuhde”.
13.05-13.30 Jyrki Korpua: “Pyrkimys harmoniaan. Utopisuus digitaalisissa peleissä”

Break 5 minutes

Part 2 (In English)
13.35 -14:15 Keynote: Michał Kłosiński: Towards utopian game hermeneutics
14.15 – 14.40 Diego A Mejía-Alandia: From retro-gaming to post-communist Utopias: notes on the aesthetics and politics of nostalgia in video games in the wake of the launch of Atomic Heart
14.40- 15.05 Sari Hietamäki: “Peace, utopia & videogames!”
15.05 – 15.30 Solip Park: “Truck-Meta 2021 and Beyond: The utopian (and dystopian) story of gamer consumer activism in South Korea”
15.30 -16.00 Panel discussion and Q&A